It is nearly November and this week has seen some pretty frigid temperatures. I have already had to pull out my long winter coat to keep me nice and warm during supervision duties and the heater in our home has been running for about a month now. This is also the time when we tend to spend more time indoors which means this is usually when I pull out the air purifier. This year, our family will be using the Honeywell AirGenius 5 Air Cleaner to help reduce allergens, germs and odours.
At first, I was surprised by the sheer size of the unit. It only makes sense, though, since it is designed for large rooms up to 250 sq. ft. Featuring the patented QuietClean® ifD® advanced filtration technology, this air cleaner captures 99.9% of particles, both the ones you can see and the really small microscopic ones.
The smart controls are unique and allow you to easily select one of five air cleaning levels using easy-tap touch sensitive controls: SLEEP (almost silent operation), GERM (for cold & flu season), GENERAL Cleaning, ALLERGEN (for peak allergen season) or MAX Cleaning Power. While the first setting is fairly quiet, I found it to be really loud at the highest setting, which is to be expected. The good thing is, after my husband cooked dinner last night, the AirGenius was able to eliminate the strong cooking odours on the entire first level in mere minutes. Very impressive!
My daughter wanted to try it in her bedroom but I felt it was a little too big for such a small room and therefore unnecessary. I could leave it in the hallway and know it will be just as effective, especially with the oscillating feature. We all loved the lamp feature, too.
The Honeywell AirGenius Air Cleaner includes an ifD® filter which is permanent and very easy to clean. You only need to wash the filter four times a year and there is no need to replace it. It also comes with a VOC absorbing pre-filter, which can be used in conjunction with the permanent filter, that also captures larger particles, but will need to be replaced every three months. This model is Energy Star rated and uses about the same amount of electricity as a light bulb, a definite bonus!
You can purchase a Honeywell AirGenius Air Cleaner at places like Home Depot where it retails for $229 or you can win one here on Toronto Teacher Mom. Please submit your entries via the Rafflecopter form below. Open to Canada only.
- Wednesday, October 30, 2013