- Tuesday, February 28, 2006

When our little girl was a newborn, heads turned everywhere we went. Her hair was quite the spectacle, mainly because she had so much of it. But I think it could also have been due to the fact that for a long time she looked like a troll doll!
- Tuesday, February 28, 2006
- Friday, February 24, 2006
North York, ON - On February 24, 2006, witnesses revealed that Toronto Teacher Mom Blog's Diana M. is addicted to blogging. Sources confirm that the subject in question has spent several of the past 24 hours surfing various blog sites as well as editing and re-editing her own site. When confronted on the matter, Mrs. M. declined to respond, her eyes glued to the computer screen. Experts believe she is currently experiencing denial. Anyone with useful information on how to help Mrs. M. free herself of this addiction is asked to record their comments here.
- Friday, February 24, 2006
I've decided to become a supply teacher for the remainder of my maternity leave. I think it will be a good thing. Aside from having a little extra income, it will probably ease my transition into working full-time. Plus, I'll get to know certain areas of Toronto a bit better and make some new connections. I love my daughter so much it will be very hard to leave her for very long, but once a week might be manageable. We'll see how Madeleine adjusts...
- Friday, February 24, 2006

My daughter Madeleine surprises me every day. At 7 months of age, she demonstrates an incredible understanding of the world that surrounds her and I have to stop and ask myself if shes knows more than she is letting on. Just recently, she has started to whine soon after I set her down and begin to leave the room. It's reached a point where she gets so loud and so agitated that I have to keep her with me in my arms. It's almost as if she's testing me to see how far she can manipulate me into getting whatever she wants. She's smart, almost too smart...
But look at her. She's just way too cute. How can anyone resist this face?
- Friday, February 24, 2006
So everyone has probably heard by now that organic food is the healthier choice, especially during a time where many foods are genetically altered or have come into contact with some type of chemical. My husband and I have chosen to raise our daughter on organic food as much as possible. While we have found a good selection of solid baby food, we were quite surprised to find that not one store in Toronto carried an organic baby formula. We actually had to order online from an American website that shipped cases to us over the border. When we called around to stores that carried organic food, such as the Big Carrot or Whole Foods in downtown Toronto, we found out that they don't carry such a product since the labels weren't bilingual. It's a wonder that they haven't opened up the organic baby formula market to Canada, even moreso that no one has decided to manufacture any here in Canada. What are they waiting for?
- Friday, February 24, 2006
About a month ago, I bought "Sign with your Baby" Complete Learning Kit by Joseph Garcia. It says that you can start to teach your baby signs as early as 6 months and that as early as 7 months your baby could be using those signs. I was so excited about this, being a French teacher and all. I've even studied other languages (Italian and Spanish) and so I'm a strong supporter of teaching languages to kids as early as possible. I was even thinking of eventually going back to work and incorporating sign language into my lessons. Anyhow, it's been about a month and I don't think my daughter has caught on to the three signs I've chosen to start with. I'm curious to hear from any moms or dads that have tried teaching signs to their kids. How long did it take initially? Do you still use them even though your child can now speak? Or are you as curious as I am about how your baby could learn to manipulate his/her hands to communicate precise words?
- Thursday, February 23, 2006
I'm curious to know which diapers are most popular. I currently buy Pampers and am pondering trying another brand. I've also tried Huggies but still prefer Pampers.
- Thursday, February 23, 2006
I guess I should begin by explaining the reason for my blog.
I've recently experienced many changes in my life. Most have been for the better (but not all). To name a few, I married my husband in 2004; I then moved to Toronto from Hamilton (where I was born and raised); I switched school boards; I'm new to French teaching; I've recently become a proud mother of beautiful baby girl (born July 2005); we just moved in to a newly renovated home in North York. I have welcomed all of these changes with open arms but on the downside, I feel very overwhelmed. Recently turning 28 only adds to my concerns.
There are so many roles a woman can play in this world, from mother and wife to teacher and friend. While I feel confident taking on any one role at any one time, I'm not so sure I can handle so many all at once.
Since I started teaching in 2002, I've always admired those teacher colleagues who worked full-time, coached sports teams, ran after-school clubs then went home, prepared dinner for their husband and kids, took their kids to hockey practice, helped them with their homework, tended to the never-ending list of household chores, and then found time to plan for another day. Special admiration was felt for those who seeked to further themselves by taking additional qualification courses, those who took time out to be a much-needed mentor to me, and those who were experiencing some difficult or stressful times in their personal life. How did they do it?
Now, I'm faced with the looming approach of the end of my maternity leave. I'm slowing settling in to my new home with my dear husband and sweet daughter. I'm trying to keep up with the housework, look after my baby, and learn to cook after many failed attempts. But I miss my family, my friends, my old teaching partners and yes, I miss the simplicity of Hamilton life. I'm very happy where I am in terms of the route my life has taken. Yet, I find it very hard to believe that I will be returning to work in six months and I don't feel as though I have mastered any of the roles I have taken on as of late. Understandably, being a mother and a wife are life-long roles that require continued effort and much trial and error. I just wonder if I can handle going back to work as a full-time teacher.
So here I am, writing my first-ever blog entry. I've looked everywhere for resources that will help me in all areas, resources such as cookbooks, mom shows, literature for new parents and even my friends. But I guess I'm still looking for someone who is in a similar situation as I am with whom I can discuss my everyday worries or switch easy dinner menus or talk about our babies or contemplate how teacher moms seem to do it all.
Is there anyone out there?
- Thursday, February 23, 2006