Tide Stain Warriors Challenge 2 #GetsItOut | Toronto Teacher Mom

Tide Stain Warriors Challenge 2 #GetsItOut

Monday, May 09, 2016

If there's one thing I dread most when I come home from work, it would definitely be cooking. First of all, I'm not very good at it. Second of all, I'm not very good at it. Get the picture? Luckily, I have an ultra talented super hero for a husband who can throw together a last-minute meal in the blink of an eye. Seriously, someone ought to give the guy a key to the city - he has saved the family from falling victim to my treacherous cooking more times than I can count. The guy has even taken over the laundry. I know. Be still my heart.

What has me marvelling even more is how he has managed to get me eating more vegetables and other types of food that I pretty much avoided before I married him. Take chicken curry, for example. Or beef stir fry, even. The other day, he made a veggie stir fry that was to die for, and that says a lot coming from someone who doesn't like to eat a lot of veggies. The kids liked it, too, but wanted to add a little extra soy sauce. Up until recently, I worried that they would accidentally splash some onto their shirts but now, with Tide Ultra Stain Release taking up residence in our home, I need not worry.

As part of the Tide Stain Warriors campaign, I chose to test out Tide Ultra Stain Release on soy sauce spills, just one of our everyday stains, on a white t-shirt. And I wasn't disappointed. Tide removes over 100 stains in one wash and, because of this, I now have not one but TWO superheroes in the laundry room. I'm finally winning the battle against those evil stains. Check out how clean the t-shirt is after a single wash. Ka-pow!

The t-shirt looks as good as new, not a hint of any lingering soy sauce stain. Colour me thrilled! Surprised? Not really. The little scientist in me anticipated such a result, especially after learning a bit about the science behind P&G detergents during a visit to their Research and Development facility in Cincinnati as part of a Cascade blogger day. Now I am even more eager to move on to our third and final Tide Stain Warriors Challenge.

So stay tuned for the final instalment in the Tide Stain Warriors trilogy. In the meantime, I have a P&G Fabric Care Gift Basket to give away to one lucky reader. To be eligible to win, you must complete the Rafflecopter form below and be a resident of Canada, excluding Quebec.

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  1. The most common stain is pasta sauce.

  2. My most common laundry stain is grease on hubby's clothes.

  3. my most common stain is spaghetti sauce! my youngest has a spaghetti obsession but hates bibs

  4. My most common stain is toddler food stains! They are tough sometimes :)

  5. My most common laundry stain each week is spaghetti sauce!

  6. When I had two legged babies it was throw up from baby formula, now that I have four legged babies its poops!! We have one very timid ferret (we have 4 in total) and he's off by himself in a seperate cage but when he's got roam time, he can get scared and he'll poop on you if you pick him up and he'd scared. SO YEAH lol

  7. Dirt in my hubby clothes form working in the garden.
    Florence C

  8. Between our dog, my fiance coming home from work with dirt and mud and my 2 littles under 4.. we have our fair share of stains.. Poop explosions.. ya not fun.

  9. Probably grease

  10. Our most common laundry stain is definitely greasy fingers food stains. My kids are clearly still learning to use a napkin!

  11. Grease and food stains. still working on tackling those grease stains

  12. My kids always get food and grass stains on their clothes and its a pain to get them clean!

  13. The worst stain for me is grease stains from cooking, and my hubby's work clothes, he is a mechanic and comes home filthy!!

  14. My most common laundry stain is oil, husband works with motors and his work clothes are so bad that I don't even want to wash them in my washer.

  15. My daughter and tomato soup. Somehow it's usually when she's wearing white too.

  16. I would definitely say coffee. My dad has the shakes and spills everything. lol

  17. food spills on shirts is the most common

  18. I often feed my clothes when I'm supposed to be feeding myself and I find that any oil stains are difficult to remove.

  19. My most common laundry stains are a mixture of foods like chocolate pudding and mud/grass. I have 5 boys...so... lol

  20. My most common stain in spaghetti sauce.

  21. Most common stain is mud

  22. Spaghetti sauce and blueberries are my most common stains.

  23. Last stain that was hard to get out was mustard.

  24. Grease is super hard to get out, after so many washes it still is visible

  25. That would be pasta sauce tonight. Have treated it with Tide so it should come out! (Judy Cowan)

  26. My kids always get food and grass stains on their clothes

  27. The most common stain in our home right now is baby food!!

    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  28. Our most common laundry stain right now has to be blueberry. My three girls love eating frozen blueberries but the blue gets EVERYWHERE!

  29. Our most common stains are food stains from when I am preparing foods. I sometimes drop things and if I forget to put on an apron I have to do some stain treatment.

  30. Grass stains - my hubby and little guys have a lot of fun outside!

  31. The most common laundry stain in my house is grease.

  32. Our most common stain is coffee!

  33. mostly food stains, and other mystery stains that i have no idea how they get on the clothes (winnie b)

  34. Grass stains on the knees are my most common stain.

  35. most common have to be grass stains

  36. The most common laundry stain would be mud/dirt.

  37. My most common strain is food stains usually pasta sauce.

  38. Around here, it's food - the kids are both rather disastrous after dinner.

  39. Just dirt , the dog or the kids ,lol its always something !

  40. oil and grease stains are the most popular around here!

  41. Either grease from cooking or red wine!

  42. my most common stain is oil from home made salad dressings...every time rafflecopter charityk

  43. With a toddler, it is food stains around our house. Pasta stains are the worst to get out.

  44. Red wine or spaghetti sauce is a big one in our house!

  45. Sweat stains are our most common stains. Working out and working in the yard can really stain your clothes.

  46. It would be great to win a P&G Fabric Care Gift Basket.
    In response to your question of
    What is your most common laundry stain?
    My most common laundry stain is a Coffee stain.
    Thank you for having this giveaway.

  47. Bacon grease is our most common stain in our house.

  48. mine is cooking oil splattered on my shirts while cooking something

  49. It is usually paint from my students.

  50. Most common is just spilled food.

    billiondollarprincesss @hotmail.com

  51. Grass is the hardest stain for me to get out

  52. spaghetti sauce was the most recent stubborn stain....

  53. Most common stain in our home is coffee stains...It never fails my cup gets bumped at some point often!

  54. my most common stain is grease and oil from my husbands coveralls

  55. I always seem to find grease spots on tee shirts, the funny thing is that we hardly ever fry things so I'm not sure where the tiny spatters come from.

  56. Oil splatters and grass, my stain nemeses.

  57. Grass stains is my most common stain!

  58. Ketchup stains. My toddler is living in Ketchup now. Lol he likes to make a nonessential with it

  59. The most common stain in my home is Pasta sauce stains , Rafflecopter Treen Goodwin :)

  60. We get spots on our clothes that look like grease stains and I have no idea where they come from! Thing the most common stains are grass and dandelion stains on the kids clothes and condiments on my husbands clothes.

  61. Greasy spots, fatty, oily type stains appear on our tees!

  62. Grass stains are a big one in our house.

  63. with my son being so active id say grass grape juice and mud

  64. My most common stain is grass stains. The kids play outside and get grass stains.

  65. ughh grease stains are the worst

  66. It has to be bacon grease. It's horrible to get out
    (Debbie W)

  67. The worst stain I had to deal with is bacon grease

  68. Spaghetti sauce is my common and most annoying stain

  69. My most common laundry stain are food stains, like oily salad dressing or hotwing sauce

  70. My most common stain is grass, all that lawn mowing.

  71. My most common stain is grass from the kids always playing outside

  72. Every time I eat pasta I end up with sauce on myself.

  73. My most common stains are oils stains from cooking.

  74. grass stains on my kids clothes.


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