About Me

Diana enjoys writing about her experiences in and around the Greater Toronto Area and sharing her thoughts on the latest family-friendly products. She is also a freelance writer and her work has been featured on sites that include DisneyJunior.ca, BrighterLife.ca and the new Staples EasyBlog. Her blog has received several awards including the 2013 SavvyMom.ca Most Influential Mom Blog Award, a first place 2014 Canadian Blog Award and, more recently, a ranking in the Top 12 Must-Read Canadian Teacher Blogs.
In her spare time, Diana enjoys yoga, Latin dancing, and chocolate. She also harbours an interest in the latest technology and loves to create homemade greeting cards. Stop by her craft blog for her latest designs: Diana's Designs Blog.
You can find Diana on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
You can find Diana on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.