Meet Canadian Mom Bloggers Andrea and Julie from Glimpse Reviews
Saturday, June 04, 2011This month, Toronto Teacher Mom is featuring two women in the next installment of Canadian Mom Bloggers features. Meet Andrea and Julie from Glimpse Reviews. For this feature, it was left up to the lovely ladies to answer six questions W5H style.
We are two Canadian moms...Andrea & Julie. We each have three young children and in between the busyness of mom-hood we spend our time writing unbiased reviews on our all Canadian review blog - Glimpse. We are moms who both love eco-friendly products, cloth diapering, babywearing and more. We also love to support and promote products that are handmade by SAHM's. WHAT?
Glimpse is a mom-run blog that features specifically Canadian businesses and products that are made and/or sold in Canada. We just love spreading the word about all our great finds! We offer many product reviews throughout the course of each week, and of course there are loads of great discounts and GIVEAWAYS (!!!) for our fabulous readers.WHERE?
As we mentioned above...we're Canadian girls, located in the prairie provinces of Canada...and we love it here (well...minus the frigid winters and blizzards! :) ). Andrea spends a lot of time at home...taking care of her three children, making yummy home-cooked meals, gardening, gearing up for homeschooling this fall, babywearing and more. In her (rare moments of) spare time she loves to blog!, sew, enjoy time with other moms, etc. Julie spends her time chasing kids and dust bunnies :) She also has 3 children, one of whom is finishing off his first year of school! She'd love to tell you what she does in her spare time, if she could find the spare time to do it! :) Cooking and baking, sewing, reading, play-and-chat dates, taking pictures of her kids and gardening are all interests of hers. Julie grew up on the prairies, lived in Europe for a few years, and is now back and enjoying life on "this side of the pond!"WHEN?
Glimpse started out in fall of almost three years ago! Be sure to check out our blog in fall as we're hoping to have a huge "Glimpse Turns 3" birthday celebration!WHY?
We started our blog for 2 main reasons. The first was that we noticed there was a lack of good quality Canadian content and reviews out there in the blogger-land. No offense to our friends on the other side of the border, but most blogs featured reviews and giveaways that were open to USA only...and featured mostly (if not solely) US companies. We decided to start a blog that would feature and review only Canadian products and begin to help spread the word about some of the fabulously unique and quality products that are available right here in our own country. Secondly, we started the blog because we have a passion for blogging. Reviewing products, getting to give them away to our readers, and interacting with both companies and the people who read our blog are just a few things that we love about working on Glimpse!HOW?
Want to get in on the great giveaways and reviews at Glimpse? Here's how you can connect with us:Check us out on Facebook, Twitter or simply head on over to our blog where you can follow us, subscribe via email or RRS or even just browse through our blog and see what we are all about.
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Twitter -!/GlimpseReviews
If you are a Canadian Mom Blogger and would like to be featured on Toronto Teacher Mom, send me an email at
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment here on Toronto Teacher Mom. Hope you have a great day!